Friday, August 31, 2012

Baby calf: days 5 and 6

More of the same with baby: sleeping and eating.  He did seem a little more active Wednesday as I saw him drinking more and moving around the field the herd more.  Sometimes he had to drink fast as momma would move.    Also I noticed he was a more active drinker.  Often he would push hard up against momma's milk bag when drinking.  Ouch.  That's gotta hurt.

I think he is drinking more as momma's milk bag seemed a little smaller today.

Early Wednesday evening I noticed baby was curled up in the grass closer to the yard fence while momma and the herd were halfway across the pasture.  Except for one of my heifers who had lingered by the house as I filled my herbicide backpack sprayer.  This heifer had enticed me into giving her a half dozen apples.  Now that I was heading out to spray weeds the heifer headed out to join the herd.  Then she saw baby laying in the grass.  The heifer moo'd at me.

"Yes.  I know baby's there.  Momma is out in the field."

Then the heifer moo'd a few times at momma who ignored her. Baby looked up and the heifer looked at baby.  The heifer was satisfied that baby was ok and she headed off to join the herd.

Once again after the sun set and the temperature cooled off baby was more active and kept up with the herd.  A few times it looked like he was trying to be like the adults and it looked like he was trying to eat grass.

He had some energy and would scamper around.  When the cattle were by the fence by the road I was a little concerned he would slip through the fence.  But he stayed with the adults in the hayfield.

Thursday night Tammy saw momma in the field near the house and the rest of the cattle and baby at the far end of the field.  Baby was running around and around.  Tammy said it was like looking at a dog running around.

Here are a few videos of baby.

Baby woke up from her nap and is looking for momma.  (45 seconds)

Baby feeding and bumping mom's milk bag  (30 seconds)

Baby feeding and getting a milk mustache (41 seconds)

Once baby finished drinking he looked around then settled down for a nap.  (27 seconds)

Momma licking baby as he is resting.  (29 seconds)

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