Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Raging Bitch

"Cowgirl" (aka "The Bitch") was in a bad mood Tuesday.   I'm not sure why.  Maybe it was the hot weather.  Maybe it was that the grass in the NE pasture and fruit tree area has been eaten down and what is left is no longer the soft and tender ends with which she could stuff her mouth.  Maybe it was that time of the month for her.  Whatever, The Bitch was in a bad mood.

Usually she is constantly eating and pigging out on the grass.  Today she spent more time looking over fences.  While working on the wooden feeder I saw The Bitch and the other horses standing all together at the fruit tree / yard fence looking into the yard.  The yard has been mowed and is dry looking.  Then The Bitch turned around and backed up to the fence and pushed and pushed.  I ran over and told her to stop.  She ignored me.  Fortunately she picked one of the stronger sections of the fence to push against.  So I stood and watched for signs the fence would give way.  When I came over she started to move a little like she was scratching her rear end.  I have seen other horses scratch their rear ends against gates and fences and they have more of a side to side motion rather than a pushing motion.

Finally she gave up and turned to face me.  I decided to pet her.  A carrot is better than a stick.  In her case I don't think I got any bonus points.  When I pet the other horses they would nuzzle and smell me.  Not The Bitch.  She stood sideways as tall as she could so she could tower over me.  With an unblinking eye she stared at me as I pet her.  I was glad I had the fence between us.  She looked mad.

Firefeather came over for some petting and attention so I petted her and let her nuzzle me.  After a few minutes The Bitch turned and walked between us, and as she walked off nipped at The Stud as he was nearby.

Later I saw more pasture gazing by her as the other horses grazed in the corral.  Five head of cattle had lingered at the river.  When they finally walked across the pasture The Bitch watched them intensely mixed in a little pacing to get a better view.  She didn't seem happy the cattle had the hayfield with the tall greener grass.

Later The Bitch harassed Lily.   While in the corral she would nip at Lily.  When Lily tried walking away from a fight The Bitch would follow behind or along side her.  She reminded me of a schoolyard bully who would follow and harass another kid trying to pick a fight.  Around and around Lily walked before she headed out to the NE pasture where The Bitch finally quit harassed her.

Later when I was in the house when I heard a commotion.  All the horses were in the fruit tree area.  The Bitch was in full gallop chasing Lily.  I thought they would go through the wooden fence but they swerved at the last minute and after a few circles around the fruit trees all the horses galloped out to the NE pasture where I couldn't see them.

They seemed to have worked it out by evening.

There is still taller green grass in the NE pasture for the horses to eat that is not near their bathroom area.  I'm trying to keep them in this pasture a few more days so they can eat more of it.  Else I will be in the same situation as this past Spring where I had to burn half the NE pasture where the horses left tall grass.

The first photo shows where I braced the fence after The Bitch pushed against it.  The second photo shows braces I added later to areas of the fence I found had been pushed earlier and now kind of leaned. The grass may be greener in the yard, but not by much.

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