Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Baby calf: day 4

Tuesday the cattle were taking their siesta by the house and water trough when I got out of bed.  All except momma.   She was out along various part of the western fence.  I imagine baby was sleeping nearby.

Later when the herd ended their siesta and began to graze, momma joined them.  No sign of baby.  I was working on the bathroom but whenever I went outside to get another tool or item I needed I looked out at the pasture.  No sign of baby.

Eventually I took a break and headed out to look for baby.  The cattle were in the SE part of the hayfield and momma walked to the shade of the SW part of the hayfield.  Baby wasn't with momma.  I took some of the watermelon rind Tammy cut up as I found that these cattle love watermelons.  Almost as much as they love apples.

I headed towards momma.  I was halfway across the hayfield near the west fence when I spotted baby curled up in the grass.

Look at where momma was.  Way over there!  I clapped and called as I stood near baby but couldn't get momma's attention.   Shouldn't she be closer to keep an eye on baby?  What if there was a predator?  Instead she laid down to take a siesta in the shade.  No other cattle were nearby either momma or baby.

Baby was awake but tired as his eyes were half open. It was sunny and warm but not super hot.  He was warm and breathing fast.  I was able to touch him without any reaction from him.  I checked his mouth and it was warm.  I debated on carrying him over to momma resting in the shade but decided to leave him be to rest.  I left the watermelon nearby for when momma came to check on baby.

Later when the herd came to join momma in the shade she got up and went over to check on baby.  She found the watermelon rind.  As she ate it baby got up and drank from momma.  All is well.

Later in the afternoon when I went out to spray weeds momma and baby were up and baby was feeding.  The herd was elsewhere.  So I brought more watermelon rind for momma.  However as I approached she walked away with baby in a direction away from the herd.  I could walk faster and began to catch up.  When I got near I showed momma the watermelon rind like I had done the previous day then left it on the ground and left.  Did momma go for the watermelon rind this time?  Nope.  She turned and with baby headed back to the herd.  It was a distance but baby kept up.

Earlier I was complaining momma wasn't that protective of baby.  Now she was too protective.  I'm never satisfied.

The evening clouded over and was cooler.  Maybe that was reason baby was more active in the evening.

Just after sunset the cattle and momma were by the house.  Baby must have woken up as he came running from out in the field to the herd south of the house.  Momma was at the water trough west of the house and as baby approached the herd momma came running over to him in a panic but she settled down once they were reunited.

Another day with baby.

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