Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Baby calf: day 3

Day 3 dawned with the herd taking their morning siesta by the house and water trough.   Baby (pronounced: baay'-bee) was sleeping off to the side of the herd.

Mom was off to another side of the herd looking away.

After I took a shower, baby was resting in the middle of the herd.  Tammy said she saw baby sucking from mom the short time mom would stand still.

As the other cattle ended their siesta and drifted out to the hayfield to eat, some stopped and checked baby out.

Much of the herd had drifted off to eat - including momma - when baby woke and got up.  He is a skinny little runt.

What do you think from the above photos - it's a boy?  

Baby walked over to check out the wooden salt box and metal water trough.   (31 seconds)


Mom saw me when I went over to get closer to baby and quickly came back.

Then she took baby with her out into the hayfield.  (31 seconds)


Later in the afternoon, when I went to spray weeds, I found baby sleeping near the middle west fence in the shade of a tree.   When I came back from spraying, momma came over to me when I crossed the fence into the hayfield near where baby was last sleeping.  Baby was nowhere to be found and I wonder if momma lost track of baby and was blaming me as she seemed unhappy I was there.

I walked out into the field looking for baby with mom somewhat following me, somewhat trying to intimidate me to leave.  I spotted baby cured up sleeping in another location and I left him so as not stress mom further.

As I sprayed more tanks of herbicide I kept an eye on baby and momma and the herd.  Momma never quite joined the herd when they roamed but sometimes I think momma was straying too far from baby.  But who am I to know?

Baby woke up when the herd was back around mom.  He seemed to know who was his mother as he ran over to mom.  He was able to suck more milk from mom.  He is so small and scrawny he needs all the milk he can get.  Otherwise, like a typical baby, he sleeps more often than not.

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