Sunday, August 26, 2012

Crazy horses

I woke up at 7 am and went outside to see if I could see the cattle and new baby calf in the hayfield.  Several cattle at the water trough were startled and ran a short distance away when I came outside.  Strange... usually they are calm around me.

Then I heard hoof beats.  Initially I thought that was because of deer running but then realized the sound was coming from the corral.  I walked over and saw the horses were going crazy.  They all were running, stopping, bucking, kicking, running, jumping, twisting, biting, kicking some more, and rolling their necks and heads.

What's going on?!

Occasionally "The Bitch" would stop and look over the fence into the hayfield.  The cattle were spread out grazing a distance away.  Further out and to one side were momma and baby and a couple other cattle.  Baby was briefly running around mom then would stop, walk around a little more then lay down.  "The Bitch" seemed to be looking towards my new baby calf.  I was happy she couldn't get to the calf as I was afraid she would hurt it.

I don't know what was agitating the horses as they continued to jump and twist and kick.  A few times they stopped and stared at the wild turkeys in the middle pasture.

They could have left the corral and gone into the north pasture but they stayed in the corral.   Lily used one leg in an effort to pull down one of the fence poles but got nowhere and soon quit.

I went in the house to get my camera to record their antics but then they settled down somewhat.  They were still agitated but no longer bucked, kicked or jumped.

The cattle near the water trough were unsettled by the horses.  As the horses settled down the cattle relaxed.  I went back to bed.  Crazy horses.

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