Thursday, August 16, 2012

Flup. Flup. Flup. Flup.

When my cousin Tammy was here last weekend we saw some of the wild turkeys out in my pasture.  Tammy asked me if they could fly.  I didn't think so as I never seen a turkey fly.


A couple of evenings ago as I was checking the pocket gophers traps in the south pasture I heard:  "Flup.  Flup.  Flup.  Flup   Flup.  Flup.  Flup."

What in the world?

I looked up and over to see a large turkey flying up high into a tall pine tree.


A few minutes later another large turkey went "Flup.  Flup.  Flup.  Flup.  Flup." up high into the same pine tree.

No.  I wasn't seeing things earlier.

As I moved about the pasture setting traps the younger turkeys ran here and there while the couple of other large older turkeys went "Flup.  Flup.  Flup.  Flup.  Flup." up high into pine trees.  Usually it was the same tree as the first turkey.  One turkey though went high into another pine tree.  A short time later that turkey flew ("Flup.  Flup.  Flup.  Flup.  Flup.") over to the pine tree to be with all the other turkeys.

The next evening the same thing happened.  The turkeys seem to like this particular pine tree as they all flew into that pine tree again.

So...  Tammy...   Yes, turkeys do fly.

When here Tammy and Rick also had another bird encounter.  When out in the RV getting ready for bed a barred owl was screeching loudly outside the RV.   They didn't know what was making all that racket and ended up going outside with flashlights.  They found the owl sitting on the power pole near the RV.

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