Saturday, September 01, 2012

Baby calf's first jailbreak

Baby had an eventful day on Friday.

The morning started off quiet and relaxed.  For baby: sleep, eat, sleep, eat, go for a walk with mom.

Baby walking with momma in the morning.  40 seconds.

Then in the afternoon baby had an adventure.

Let's see.  I see the grownups scratching the back of their heads and necks on this board.  Nope.  Too big for me to use.

Baby checking out the broken fence.  47 seconds.

Who you looking at?

56 second video of baby by the water trough.

Then baby went through the fence and into the yard.

"I didn't mean to but one of the big heifers was about to push me with her head and I jumped up from where I was laying by the water tank and the next I knew I was through the fence."

'Hmmm... let me check out the garden hose.  This fence has extra wire on it and I can't get through this fence."

So I decided to lay down and rest.  Momma came over and found me on the other side of the fence.  I'm ok Momma.  I'm just gonna take a nap.

Baby outside the fence. 15 seconds.


Momma came back and insisted I come back to her.  If only I can figure out how to get back through the fence as I don't know how I got through the fence in the first place.

Momma had been mooing the loudest she ever had calling for Baby to come back through the fence. Baby replied a few times.  He tried going through the fence a few times but either bumped his head or his ankles.  He wandered back and forth then would get distracted by something.  One time it was the pile of rocks and gravel I had dug out of the corral well.  Momma would call and sometimes turn and walk away a bit as a threat to leave baby.  I've seen the same type of behavior in humans dealing with their kids.

Baby trying to get through the fence.  38 seconds.

"Kind Rancher Lady... can you help me get through the fence and back to Momma?"

We opened the gate and I distracted Red and #40 with the last apple I had left.  I led them out in the field before giving them the apple and then helped Tammy herd Baby through the gate. 

Momma immediately took baby away from the fence.  12 seconds.

Earlier Tammy had a field day feeding apples to the cattle.  I had got apples from two of my neighbors so I had more apples than usual.  Tammy played favorites.  She wanted momma to get plenty of apples. Pink, the littlest heifer, and Red, my happy go-lucky steer, also were favored.   #25, who had crowded Tammy one time as she walked through the corral, was one heifer who didn't get apples from Tammy.

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