Fancy is the appaloosa horse and is around 28 years old. She did well last year and gained weight. She kept the weight on over the Winter but Cheryl said Fancy lost weight this Spring after Cheryl took her winter blanket off. Hopefully she gains weight again on my pasture.
Fancy settled right in and began grazing. Cowboy was more excited and paced around the corral. She was especially unnerved by the cattle in the middle pasture. Cheryl didn't think Cowboy ever saw cattle before. Cowboy didn't know what to make of the cattle and she would pace back and forth along the corral fence watching the cattle.
This evening both horses had settled down. The cattle were in the middle of the middle pasture and not so close to catch Cowboy's eye.
Tomorrow I will let them into the back yard to eat the tall grass there. To keep the horses in the back yard, from the garage to the patio, I put five corral gates that I haven't hung yet. The photo shows the part of the yard where I mowed the grass when my uncles and aunts visited me. Behind where I stood to take this photos is the tall grass.
Also today: while I thought I would get two tree stump holes filled in, I filled in the remaining three stump holes. Yay!

Now to rest as I am tired.
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