Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cattle pasture, day 2

The cattle are settling into a routine.  Like other cattle in the past, these cattle like to lay under the large tree in the SE corner of the pasture, and under the tree where I had a salt feeder until I moved it closer to the river.  Since the cattle like to siesta here I brought the south pasture's wooden salt feeder back to the prior salt feeder's spot and placed a couple blocks of salt in it.  As I placed the salt feeder the cattle all got up from laying under the trees and crowded under and behind the SE tree and watched me carefully.

The cattle sometimes are all together, other times they are in several groups.  Heckle and Jeckle, my two brockle-faced cattle,  tend to stay near each other and sometimes they are off by themselves away from the herd.  My two little heifers with a little of the Pinzgauer breed in them (my "skunk back" cattle) also tend to stay near each other in the herd.

By the afternoon the cattle got more used to me in the pasture.

When fixing the salt feeder I had to go back to the house for more nails.  Half the herd came running after me then stopped when I turned around.  When I continued walking they started running after me again.  This time I waited and eventually some walked passed me.

When it was dark after I completed fixing the salt feeder the cattle were laying under three trees.  As I walked between the trees none of the cattle got up - which was unusual - though I am sure they were all watching me as I walked by.

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