Thursday, June 30, 2011

Loading corral gate 1

A couple days ago I hung another gate in the corral.  This time I placed a gate on the loading corral.  Since I have the railroad ties in place on the corral's north side, and I have plans to rebuild the east side of the loading corral after moving the head gate back eight feet, I could hang the gate now.  Better hung than leaning against a fence.

For people who complained about my older metal corral gates, they never had to open/close this wooden loading corral gate. It rests on the ground for the most part and requires strength to lift and move it.  The wood is old and going bad.

I found a photo of the gate I replaced taken in 2008.  Keep in mind the gate has deteriorated since then.  The gate is in green.

Here is a photo of the gate I took today.  It is 10 ft long.

Here is the newer gate after I hung it.  It is 12 ft long.  I had to borrow a 3/4" wood bit from Wyatt in order to drill through the railroad tie to bolt the gate to the tie.

The newer gate, the old east fence with the head gate on the right side, the two 10 ft railroad ties I dug out of the ground in preparation of moving the head gate back to the newly placed 8.5 ft railroad ties, one fence section that I removed, the opening created by the fence section removal as I plan to move the head gate back one fence section (8 ft).

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