Thursday, July 31, 2008

Connected to the world again

I'm back. Apparently I am the only dial-up Earthlink subscriber in Kalispell. Their access number was totally screwed up starting Monday night until they fixed it today (Thursday). If not for me they wouldn't have known there was a problem.

This will be short tonight as I will be meeting Joyce just after 6 am tomorrow to go huckleberry picking. Why are most of my friends early people? Since I will be getting up shortly after my normal bedtime, I need to go to bed before midnight tonight. As one can never be too rich, too thin, or have too many huckleberries, I will be getting up at an insanely early hour tomorrow.

I wonder how cold tomorrow morning will be? This past morning the low temperature on my thermometer was 37.8 F. With the house windows open it got down to 57 F in the house. Good sleeping weather.

I do have lots to write about, but another day. Another cattle and bull story. (Photos later). Another jailbreak. And more. So much going on, the time rushes by so fast I barely have time to catch my breath. I have lots to do before Winter and in less than an hour it will be August already.

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