Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Camera, witches, and shoes

Today, for the second time now, I returned my Canon Powershot A540 camera to OfficeMax. Yup, the same problem - the lens cover fails to open, or opens part way, when the camera is turned on. I even bought a can of compressed air one uses to clean computer keyboards, etc. I thought perhaps some dust or dirt particle was messing with the lens cover. It didn't make any difference.

The same OfficeMax sales clerk was there. "Remember me, and my camera? We're back!" I really like the camera except for this problem. I decided to try the same model yet again. I'll see how the camera acts after 10 days to two weeks, that is when the lens cover starts acting up.

I also stopped at the courthouse as I hadn't received in the mail my absentee ballot. I found that when I filled the request form out this Spring I forgot to check the "ongoing request" box. That has been corrected. I need an absentee ballot as I work in a different precinct than where I vote.

Halloween is today and many places I visited had people dressed up. At the electric co-op they dressed up and also decorated the office. The office was made up to be like a jail with white ribbon papers hanging from floor to reception desk to be like jail bars. A chocolate cake was on the counter. It had a large knife through it and a note saying it was "From mom".

The employees were dressed in black and white stripped jail outfits and also wore flesh colored cloth that made it look like their arms were totally tattooed from their shirt sleeve to their wrists. One woman was dressed in a Christmasy outfit and a long white beard, so she apparently didn't get the memo.

At the courthouse one young 20-something, very attractive, woman was dressed as a witch. She wore a tight low-cut black mini-dress with fishnet stockings and boots and a floppy hat. She had a big smile and looked hot. I tried not to be so noticeable in staring at her. I have a crick in my neck now.

Another young woman also was dressed as a witch, and looked very nice, but maybe it was that she didn't smile as broadly, but she came in second place in my opinion. Other women, while not in costume, wore orange, or orange and black. The couple men in office didn't wear outfits. Wait, maybe the bad comb over was a costume and not just the way he normally combed his hair?

Witches seemed to be a popular outfit as I saw a few driving around in cars. Guess it was too cold to be riding on brooms.

I bought a new pair of shoes today. "*gasp*", you say. Ya, I know, I try to avoid buying new shoes. I think it comes from my childhood when new shoes meant being uncomfortable until they got broken in. Todays shoes don't seem to need a "break in" period.

For a few dollars more I selected a pair of shoes with steel toes. Probably a good idea to have steel toes when working around the ranch, especially if cattle try to step on my feet again next year.

My old pair of shoes I called my "ol' brown shoes". Reminds me of the Beatles/George Harrison song from the 1960s. As you can see, I wear my shoes well past when someone should wear them. With the snow and ice outside I could no longer ignore the holes in the soles.

With a new pair of shoes maybe women will look at me twice. I've read that women judge men on their shoes. I'm sure my ol' brown shoes didn't impress any women.

Here is a photo of my pumpkins after I brought them into the house. Looks like there are more than when I had them in my wheelbarrow, even though they are the same amount. I guess that's not a bad thing.

I wanted to go on a bicycle ride today. It has been several days since I've ridden. Getting withdrawal symptoms and feeling lazy. We had enough sun yesterday (no sun today) that most of the snow and ice melted on the road by my place. Uptown Kalispell is another matter as most all their roads were icy from partially melted snow.

Even though the temperature was in the mid 20s F, we had no wind. A bit chilly so I had no plans on riding far. But I rode a little more, then a little more until I had ridden 14 miles. My route only had a few icy spots from the shade of nearby trees. As I got close to home my neighbor passed me in his logging truck. He was getting his mail as I later rode past him. He commented on my riding on icy roads.

Around sunset Kelly stopped over to check on the deer. Four does were in my middle pasture along the hayfield fence. Two good size bucks were farther back among the trees.

I made another apple pie tonight. Love that pie!

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