Friday, November 03, 2006

Two girls and a guy

I like this picture for more than the obvious reason.

I like the photo's composition. The rooms and wall are at an angle compared to the frame of the photo. Also, the walls lean one way and the people lean the other way, which can be a double entendre. Everything is off-kilter, suggesting something is not quite right. Whether the "not quite right" is two girls kissing, or what appears to be the guy's Halloween date 'cheating' on him with another person, is left for you to decide.

Black & white suits the photo. No color to distract from the photo's purpose, which is to show the relationship between the three people. Not that the people's outfits have color outside of the guy's top. To see him in "white" is a counter-balance to the women in black. His white highlights his innocence, or naivete to the women's action. It is appropriate the women are dressed in black, as they are being "bad".

Halloween was a few days ago, and this is obviously taken at a Halloween party. One girl is dressed as a Playboy bunny and the guy is dressed like Hugh Hefner. The irony is that as a playboy he is a bust as the girl prefers to spent an intimate moment with another woman instead of with him. It is uncertain if he is on his cell phone because she is not there, or whether she sought companionship because he wasn't paying attention to her.

The second woman. It is unclear what she is dressed as. My initial reaction is she is dressed as a police woman due to the hat and what appears to be a patch on her left shoulder. Or maybe I want her to be a police woman. It seems sexier. *shrug* One can play with the notion of a police woman, an official of authority, leading a playboy bunny, a 'bad' girl, astray as she returns with a drink for her playboy.

The women are closer to the camera than the guy. It seems appropriate that his stature is diminished compared to the two women. Diminished both by the women's action in excluding him, and by the fact they are together and he is alone. His smaller stature makes him appear to be a kid. The women's outfits, Playboy bunny and police officer, are more grown-up. He is leaning against a vending machine with what appears to be junk food. Food more associated with adolescents than adults. As a 'kid' he is naive and unaware as to what 'grown' women do.

The women's hands are full as they are holding drinks. In addition the "police woman" is holding a large bag. These objects symbolize impediments to their coming together. Yet that doesn't stop them from leaning in for a kiss. This actually makes it more appealing than if they were in an embrace. The full view of their bodies is appealing of course, and the leaning in makes this appear to be a stolen moment, which connects the one woman to the guy and brings him in the photo making him someone more than just a random guy.

The two women's bodies are tilted towards the camera, and their arms are out to their sides, which symbolizes their openness to each other and us, the viewer, though not to the guy. Their openness may mean they are not really trying to hide their relationship and it is the guy's fault if he is not aware of it.

The women's faces and bodies are totally lit while his face is partly shadowed. With no shadows there is no uncertainty as to how the two women feel. The story is really about the two women and not him.

And I may be reading more into the photo than what is there. Maybe I should be like a typical guy and just enjoy the sight of two women kissing. I know one thing... if she was my girl and dressed that way, I wouldn't be on the phone and away from her!

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