Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Lilac flowers

It rained a little under a half inch of rain today.  Rain predicted tomorrow.  Good.  A nice time to get more rain.

Cattle behaved today.  Though this evening I seen all three cows trying to get to the caragana trees.  Tomorrow I'll have to add some more wire to hold the fence to the metal posts, and fix and straighten the fence as the cows worked on it until I told them to stop.

Last week we had three warm days, and one day that set a record high of 90 degrees.  For us, a killer hot temperature.  But we are back to cold temperatures.  Maybe a high of 60 degrees today.  A predicted high only in the 50s tomorrow.  Thursday night an overnight low of 32 degrees and frost is predicted.  Other parts of Montana are predicted to get snow.  With our cold Spring and recent cold weather, the global warming still isn't global as we are still missing out.  If you have warm temperatures, give them back to us!

Here are some photos from last week back when the weather was decent of my lilac bush/tree.

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