Wednesday, June 16, 2021


Today I had a colonoscopy.  My doctor wanted me to have one.  It has been five years since I had one.  And since my head injury in 2019 I have been off-and-on anemic and along with a low protein count.  The doctor thought I needed another colonoscopy to check I don't have a polyp and not losing blood for that reason.

Oh joy.  Colonoscopies are not fun.  The procedure itself is ok. The nurse said I wouldn't be completely unconscious but would be in a twilight state and could hear them talking.  I remember nothing.  I was completely out.  These days if I am not active I fall asleep.

It is the method the day before the colonoscopy where one has to drink a laxative to get rid of stuff in one's body and spending lots of time in the bathroom that is not fun.   Since I lost my sense of taste, drinking the laxative was fine as I couldn't taste it.   Not being able to eat 24 hours in advance is not fine either.  As I have mentioned before, since my head injury, I'm rarely hungry, even if I don't eat.  So I wasn't hungry this time.  But how I can tell I haven't eaten is that I get weak and tired from not eating.  That is what I was this morning. 

I sleep more these days.  I slept 9 1/2 hours last night.  After I got home after the colonoscopy I may have slept another 4 1/2 hours.  That was most of my day today.

The colonoscopy came out fine.  No polyps or anything bad.  So my anemia and lack of protein may be because I don't eat enough meat.  I'm going to have to up my meat eating.  When one has a colonoscopy one needs a driver as one is not suppose to drive that day.  After the procedure Donna and I stopped at a place that sells hamburgers and I ate two quarter pound hamburgers.

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