Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Island fence

Last week, after I finished the fence rebuild on Wyatt's property on the river bend, I still had some extra metal t-posts.  So the next day I took twelve posts and rebuild 96 feet of the fence along the river on the west side of the big island.  Similar to the river bend fence the island fence was two by four boards as posts with two strings of barb wire.  So far the old fence had been successful as no cattle jumped the short fence into the river.  But that doesn't mean they never would.

I rebuild the 96 feet with the metal t-posts and four strands of barb wire.  The rebuilt fence is only a third to a fourth of the entire fence length, but it is better than nothing.  Next year when I get more metal t-posts after more pasture/hayfield fence rebuilding I should have enough posts to complete a proper fence.

On the left are three of the 2by4 board posts and on the right are the newer metal posts.

I re-used some of the old 2by4 boards as in-between the metal posts.

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