Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Last night Daisy woke me up around 4 am to let me know she wanted to go outside.  As I woke up I got a charley horse in my left leg.  In the past I found if I stand at the outset that the pain is less intense and for a shorter time.  So I stood up quick.

The next I remember I was on my knees and elbows and struggling to get up on my hands.  I was confused as to what I was doing and why.  It seemed like I was doing this for a while.  Finally I cleared up enough to get up and back in bed.  At sometime I let Daisy outside.  I don't remember when.

In the morning I found a cut and blood above one eye and I had a very sore and stiff neck.  My neck is still stiff and sore this evening.

While I have been temporarily dizzy at times when I quickly stood up, I never lost consciousness in all my life and this is twice now in the past few months (counting my bicycle accident).  I wonder if my blood pressure now in a normal range has something to do with this?

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