Sunday, September 02, 2012

Baby calf's second jailbreak

 On Saturday Tammy and I noticed momma would come to the water trough and salt blocks when baby was sleeping.  However in the afternoon I went outside and discovered Baby wandering around the back yard.  All the cattle - including momma - were clustered along the fence in the hayfield.  Momma was calling for baby but he was ignoring her as he was having too much fun checking out the items in the yard.

Notice how he keeps tasting various items.

2 minutes 11 seconds:

The cattle were clustered along the fence so we couldn't open the gate to let baby back into the hayfield.  So Tammy and I slowly walked forward as baby wouldn't approach us. Between Tammy and I moving closer and momma calling and calling him, baby finally went back through the fence to join momma.  Unlike yesterday baby had little problem stepping through the fence.

11 seconds.

Once baby was back to momma she immediately took him back to the west fence near the irrigation pipes.  Apparently that is his timeout and sleep area as she took him back there the previous day after he had his first jailbreak.

In the middle of Saturday night some cattle were mooing.  Tammy woke me after hearing the mooing for five minutes.  I was so sleepy I didn't think it was worthwhile going out in the middle of the night in the dark to look for cattle and quickly fell back asleep.  I woke up later at 3 am to the sound of more mooing.  Since I had to go to the bathroom I got out of bed, then went outside to hear where the mooing was from.  By then the mooing was for the most part over.  I thought I heard one moo from the SE part of the hayfield. I heard two or three moos from the trees beyond the neighbor's house across the road.  In the afternoon they had brought in a large number of big round hay bales.   The cattle in his pasture has been gone for a month - more likely to give birth at the owner's pasture like last year - but maybe the cattle were brought back earlier.

Since the mooing had stopped I went back to bed.  In the morning I checked my cattle.  All the cattle were in the hayfield and in a relaxed mood.  No sign of cattle at the neighbor's place.   So what was the mooing about... who knows?

On Sunday momma would sneak over to drink water when baby was sleeping out in the hayfield.  But one time baby came with the herd.  Both momma and Tammy kept an eye on Baby and this time he behaved and didn't slip through the fence.

Tammy worries about Baby getting through the fence into the yard so I may have to find some scrap fencing and cover the bottom of the fence.

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