Thursday, September 20, 2012

Filling in stump 3 hole

Back in August I finally filled in the hole from Tammy and my last tree stump bonfire.  I planned on filling in the hole sooner but the horse kicking me over three weeks prior delayed that.   I was recovering nicely and felt well enough to fill in the hole on a Wednesday.  Encouraging me to fill in the hole now is that it had rained a little over the previous night so that helped keep the dust down as I shoveled the dirt back into the hole.  This time of the year is dry and moving dirt gets pretty dusty.

It took me all day to fill the hole in.  First I had to haul off the unburned tree branches and boards from my bathroom remodel.  That was easier said than done.  Unfortunately the branches and boards were placed next to the dirt pile before I was done digging out the stump.  When I finished the digging around the stump I found the dirt had now covered part of the branches and boards.  So they didn't get burnt and I had to dig them out of the dirt and move them elsewhere.

Also slowing me down was that I found broken glass among the boards and dirt.  I have no idea where the glass came from as I don't remember any glass from my bathroom remodel.  I kept finding broken glass pieces no matter how much I combed through the dirt.  I have a fear I'll find more broken pieces for some time to come.

I try to avoid delaying refilling the holes because dirt hardens the longer it sits.  Unfortunately I dug almost half the stump last Fall.  The rest of the stump was dug over a month ago and even that dirt had hardened. The cattle walking all over the dirt hill also packed it down.  So I had to dig the dirt before tossing it back into the hole.   The idea of buying a tractor with a loader sounds more appealing to me.

It was dark Wednesday night by the time I had filled all the dirt back into the hole.  Thursday morning with more light I was able to finish the dirt work to make everything smooth.

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