Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New pasture, milk mustache, same old

This morning I let Momma and Baby go into the south pasture.  The hayfield is pretty dried up and the south pasture still has green grass.  Momma and Baby were in the vicinity of the gate so the time was right.  I wanted them to see me open the gate to let them in, and I wanted both of them go into the pasture together.  I didn't want Baby to wake up from a nap and not be able to find Momma because she was in the pasture.

I wish I had brought my camera with me as Baby was a bundle of energy to check out the new pasture.  Momma was just glad to get new green grass.  Initially Baby stuck her head through the barb wire fence instead of following Momma through the gate. But she quickly realized going through the gate was better than crawling through the fence.  Once in the pasture Baby ran here and there.  She stood by the barb wire fence and stared at the hayfield. It looked just a little different when viewed through the barb wire fence.  Then she ran to Momma, then ran elsewhere.  Baby kept her distance from me.  Momma briefly walked up to me.  I would like to think she was saying thanks, but she probably was just checking to see if I had any apples for her.

I figured they would be in the pasture all day.  Tammy missed seeing them in the pasture when she got home from work.  However they showed up a little later for their usual late afternoon apples from Tammy.  Also the salt blocks are still by the house.  Tammy noticed white all over baby's face and wondered what she got into.  Then she realized Baby had a huge milk mustache. She said it was soooo cute.   She came into the house to get her camera.  Unfortunately Momma and Baby had left by the time she got back outside with her camera.

This evening after sunset Momma and Baby were back along the fence by the road like usual.  I suppose it is just as well they spend the night there, especially as Momma taught Baby not to go through the fence and onto the road anymore.  A few days ago I saw some strange purplish scat with berries in the south pasture.  Usually berry laden scat this time of year is bear scat, but this looks like coyote scat.  I guess coyotes have been eating chokecherries and other berries.

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