Sunday, September 09, 2012

Firefeather's training

Saturday the owners of the horses came over with a trainer to teach Firefeather some manners.  Firefeather is the horse that kicked me.

For a while Firefeather tried to pull this guy around, but being young and strong and with some tricks of his own he won out over Firefeather.  Eventually Firefeather got with the program as resistance was futile.

The session lasted a half hour or so and by the end Firefeather behaved.  Of course it takes more than one training session for the lessons to take hold.

The other three horses were in the NE pasture while the training session was held in the corral.  They were all excited during the session and would run back and forth.  By the end of the session they hung around at the far end of the pasture by the road.

Firefeather didn't hold a grudge to humans as she came up to me and acted nice on Sunday as I walked through the pasture she was in.

The video is 30 seconds long.

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