Monday, September 10, 2012

Tammy, cattle wrangler

Tammy had her hands full Monday evening.   Baby was in the wandering mood today.  Just before dusk a woman driving by on the road stopped at the house to tell Tammy that Baby was standing in the middle of the road.  I was out in the pasture so Tammy had to handle Baby alone.

She drove out on the road and stopped and turned on her flashers to warn other drivers.  Baby was interested in Tammy's vehicle's lights and checked them out.

Momma was at the fence mooing for Baby to return to her.  Momma would moo at Baby, then look at Tammy wanting her to get Baby back.  Across the road at the neighbor's pasture their cattle were back.  They were along their fence, also mooing at Baby.  Baby stood in the road not sure what to do.  Tammy herded Baby into the ditch closer to Momma.

Several people driving by stopped to ask Tammy if she needed help but Tammy told them she was handling it.

Baby tried to get through the barb wire fence but failed. Baby came up to Tammy but she couldn't get Baby across the fence and was concerned about touching Baby. Baby had to find a way through the fence by himself.   Tammy kept Baby in the ditch while he worked his way along the fence until he found a spot where he could get through the fence and back with Momma.

Tammy told Momma to take Baby away from the fence but she only went a short distance from the fence.  When Tammy got back to the house she saw Baby near the fence and Momma a short distance away.  Tammy called for Momma to come closer to the house and once Momma came towards the house fence Baby came and joined her and left the fence area.

Baby hasn't come through the back yard fence since her two excursions so hopefully Momma trains him to stay inside the fence by the road like she apparently did concerning the back yard fence.  If not, then I will have to move Momma and Baby to a back pasture.

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