Thursday, May 30, 2024

Fruit trees and bushes

Here are some photos of the trees in the fruit tree area, and also the front yard.   No photos of the apple trees.  They are doing fine.

Apricot trees.   I don't know why, but these are all the leaves that tree has this year.   Never had a problem with leaves on this tree before.

This is the other apricot tree.   It is the same age as the previous tree - over 15 years old.   But a few years into its life it was damaged.  I saved it. But, since then it grows each year, but not really taller.

BuffaloBerry tree.

Service berry tree / bush.   It has come back.   A few years ago I burnt the grass in the Spring.   The fire damaged and set back the bush.

The larger pear tree.  It is doing well.  I had pruned it back a few years ago.

The other pear tree.   The cattle got through the fence and ate most of its leaves a few years ago.  Since then it has struggled to grow.  Each year it gets smaller.  I may dig it up and get rid of it this year.

My two cherry trees.  Over 15 years old.   Don't know why but each year the past number of years the trees get smaller.   I think I will dig them up and get rid of them this year.

A plum tree I got a few years ago.   Another tree that stays alive but doesn't really grow much.

My rhubarb.  Each year I need to weed the grass away from the plants.  On the to-do list this year.

The caragana trees near the front.  They do well each year.

The black walnut tree in the fruit tree area.   The black walnut trees grow real slow.   This is a younger tree.  10 years?

The black walnut tree in the front yard.  This tree is over 10, maybe over 15, years old.  Again, a really slow growing tree.

The other black walnut tree in the front yard.  This is a younger tree.  10 years?

One of my hazelnut bushes.   They grow, but not much.  Never got any hazelnuts from them.

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