Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Once again, cattle and wooden feeder

Hay in the metal feeder.  No hay in the wooden feeder.  That didn't stop the cows from messing with the wooden feeder.  Maybe now that the boards are drying and shrinking they are not tight in the feeder and the cows can mess with them.   This afternoon I found all the boards out of the floor.  And the side board and tree branch were messed up also.  Why do the cows do this?  Are they that bored?

I spent time nailing the side board back to the feeder wall.  I did leave the branch under the side board.  Why not.  Then I put all the floorboards back in place.  Now that they dried and shrunk a little, I replaced the narrower board with the previous board.  Still not a tight floor, but maybe not as loose as before so the cows won't be able to mess with the boards again.  We'll see.

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