Friday, May 17, 2024

Cattle and the fence and panels

Yesterday and today I spent time fixing fence boards and the extended corral temporary corral panels.

Yesterday I saw Haynes broke a corral fence board.  The wire I had put on the boards to prevent the cattle from trying to poke their heads through the fence boards held the board somewhat together.  I was able to re-nail the board back to one piece.

Today I saw the cows had broken this board in an effort to reach the grass in the hayfield.  I added the small post before taking this photo, then re-nailed the board back together.

I also moved much of the extended corral's temporary corral panels.  No photo as my camera's battery had died.   There were a few areas of the corral panels where grass was just on the other side.  The cattle were abusing the corral panels and also trying to lift the panels and pull the metal t-posts out of the ground.  I moved the panels away from the grass.

Here is an old photo from back when I built the extended corral in April.  The area on the right side is where the cattle were trying to get to the growing grass.  The walk-through panel got bent.

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