Sunday, May 26, 2024

Cattle and wooden feeder

This morning I noticed the cattle "worked on" the wooden feeder in the corral.  Last evening I had placed some hay from Haynes' bale into this feeder to entice the cattle into the corral after their jailbreak.  The cattle ate the hay then did a number on the feeder.

Some cow must have stepped into the feeder.  Two boards were cracked/split and I had to re-nail them back together.  In the photo look where I placed a cut tree branch.  That is to hold up the side boards that hold the floorboards to the feeder and off the ground.  The side boards had been pushed down to the ground on that side and some of the floorboards were scattered about.  For now it was easier and quicker to use a tree branch to hold the side boards up.  Re-positioning the feeder and re-nailing the side boards will take an effort and more time.  I just wanted to put some more hay in the feeder and get the cattle from the extended corral and into the main corral.  I planned to put a large hay bale in the extended corral later that afternoon.

When I put the floorboards back in place they wouldn't fit.  The recent rains had swelled the boards up even more and I had to replace one board with a narrower board. So again there is a gap in the floorboards.  I find that small amount of hay will slip through the gaps.  Last week I removed a couple floorboards so the cows could reach the hay remnants on the ground.  Of course the cows then decided to check under other floorboards and pushed a number around looking for hay under them.

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