Saturday, May 25, 2024

Cattle jailbreak extended corral

Late this afternoon, as I got back from my bicycle ride and approached the ranch, I heard Haynes mooing.  I looked over and saw the cows were starting to go into the north pasture.  They had got a metal t-post out of the ground and broke the twine holding it to the corral panel.  And they had broken the two pieces of twine holding the end of the corral panel to a railroad tie.  They pushed two pieces of corral panels out until they were able to get out of the extended corral.

I couldn't easily get them back into the extended corral so I called Donna for help.  She and Edward came and helped me herd the cows and calves back into the corral.  It wasn't too hard to do except for two calves.  They went left and not right.  I had to re-herd them.  One calf was fairly easy to herd into the corral.  The second calf, who now needed to turn left and not right, kept turning right.  Over and over I went to herd the calf.  Edward and Donna watched that the cows and calves did not come back out of the corral as they wanted to.  Finally I got the calf to turn left and go into the corral.

I fixed the extended corral breakout area.  I added another metal t-post and more twine.  It needs to hold for a week as next weekend they will be let out to the grass.   Donna wanted me to let them out on the grass now.  But Haynes was not happy the cows were out on the grass and he wanted to join them, and I don't want him with the cows until June 1.  And the start of being-on-the-grass is to eat my yard grass down first, and I'm not ready for that yet.

Back into the extended corral.  They are standing near where they had broken out before.  They are trying to figure out how to do it again.

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