Monday, May 20, 2024

Box elder trees: Before and after

I think I am done trimming the box elder trees.  I'm trying not to look much at the trees, but when I do, I am not seeing branches I should or care to cut.   The ones I see as small dead branches are at the very top of the tree and I can't reach them.

Here is a view before I started trimming the trees back in 2022.  This was when I only trimmed from a ladder.  And before I used the lift in 2023.

Here is a view of the trees last year after I had used the lift to trim the trees.

Here is the view before I started the trim this year.

This is how the tree ended up looking after I was done trimming.

Here is a side view of the trees.

I took these photos from my fruit tree area for another angle of the trees.

Here is a view of different, much younger, box elder trees I did not trim this year.  You can see how lush the trees should look.

Mark had called my trimmed trees "Charlie Brown trees".  For now maybe, but they will look better after they grow out in a year.

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