Thursday, May 23, 2024

Feeder repair and missing steer

This morning I found the cows had pushed a board off the wooden hay feeder.  Always something with those cows.  I fixed the feeder.   Then I gave them some hay in the feeder.  I also herded 12 of the 13 calves into the loading corral to eat grass.  The other calf want to stay near her mother.  Then I went off to a dental appointment.  Hours later when I got back I let the calves out of the loading corral.  They immediately when to drink from their mothers.

This afternoon I got a call from someone I know who pastures her feeder calves down the road past Donna's place.   Last Saturday four steers and one heifer got out and away from the pasture.  The heifer was in crazy heat and broke out.  The steers followed.  They got three steers back into the pasture.  Later the heifer showed up on her own back to the pasture.  They are still missing the steer.  They had looked and looked for it.  So now she called me in case the steer really went far and came down to visit my cattle.  Nope.  But I will talk to my neighbors and keep a lookout for the steer.

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