Saturday, June 01, 2024

Cattle into yard

This afternoon I let the cattle into the yard to eat the grass.  By yesterday afternoon the cattle had eaten all their hay.   I had stuff to do so I opened the gate to the loading corral to let the cattle eat the grass there. They did.  I later also discovered that they had broken one of the loading corral fence boards.  I had to replace the board today.

Then last evening I let the cows into the south corral to finish eating Haynes' hay, and also let Haynes and the cows be together.  By this morning the hay was eaten, and also the grass that was in the south corral was eaten down.

Before I let the cattle into the yard today I had to first to put stuff around trees, bushes, and other things to protect them.  That took me 3 and 1/2 hours.  While I did so the cattle in the corral would moo at me to let them into the yard and to the grass.  Their mooing got annoying quickly.   Finally I got the stuff protected and let the cattle into the yard.

Of course the first cow to enter the yard was Panda.  She is almost always the first cow to do things.

Here is Haynes coming out with the cows.  Also, I noticed he was paying attention to cow 20 and spent much of the day near her.  She wasn't in standing heat yet, but close.

Part of the yard had very tall grass.  Haynes is so big the grass doesn't look that tall when he is around.

The calves either ran all over checking things out, or laid in the grass to rest.

Eventually the cattle got their bellies full of grass and they took a rest break.

We'll see how long the grass will last in the yard before I let the cattle into the NE pasture.  A couple days maybe.   It can't be much longer as Tuesday I work as an election judge again and will have a long and busy day.

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