Sunday, May 19, 2024

Mouth and forehead

Yesterday when I rode my bicycle for a bit I made a u-turn.  This area is of one of my common bicycle routes and I have done this u-turn many, many times.  This time I was distracted and made a mistake.  I had the inside leg and pedal down and not up.  I leaned a bit much and the pedal caught the pavement.  My bicycle and I went down fast.  I still landed mainly on my hands but my head went down and struck the pavement.  The end of my nose and my upper lip hit the pavement.  Odd that it was only that part of my face, but if any part has to hit the pavement, this was the best part.  I ended up with a swollen lip.  Otherwise I am fine.  Though I decided to skip shaving today.

Before I hear about wearing a helmet, it wouldn't have made any difference.  When I need to wear a helmet is when I am walking.  A week or so ago I let the cattle into the loading corral runway so they could eat the grass there.  Even after they ate the grass there some didn't want to leave.  After I had put out a large hay bale only some of the calves were still in there.  To herd them out I walked through the runway gate and down the runway so the calves would go out the large gate.

When loading the cattle into the stock trailer I have some 2 by 4 boards I slide into the fence so the cattle can't back up in the runway.  I store the boards on top of the fence boards going from side-to-side.  They are in several spots and I didn't duck enough while I was looking at the calves.  I walked right into several of the boards stacked one on another.  Wham!  It knocked me back.

As you can see on my head that is where the boards hit me.  They may have dented the wire mesh that was placed over the hole in my head after the doctor removed the cyst a few years ago.  I don't feel and pain so I must be alright.  It's just that the flat spot in my head now has a dent.   This may be why I need to wear a helmet when I walk.

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