Thursday, May 16, 2024

Yet another box elder branch cut

I thought I was done cutting branches from my box elder trees next to my patio.   But once I finished sweeping all the debris off the patio roof I looked up.  I saw a branch I had cut last Fall when on the machine lift.  The end of the branch looked like it was dying.  Well, let's see if my pole will reach.  And it could.  So I cut this branch.

It wasn't as thick as many of the other branches I cut recently so it only took me an hour or two to cut the branch.  I didn't have to use all 27 feet of the pole saw to reach the branch, but what slowed me down a little was that it was very windy this afternoon.  Even out on the Great Plains they would say it was a windy day.  I was standing on a ladder to cut the branch.  When the wind really gusted I stopped and held on to the ladder and branch the ladder was against.  I'm getting old as I don't want to fall as I was way up there.

Before and after photos.

I had put a few metal sheets on the patio roof.   But not at the right spot as you can see.

Here is the cut branch after it fell through the patio roof.

After I cleaned up the cut branch I called it a day.  The strong wind was really annoying to me so I went inside the house and closed the windows.

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