Saturday, May 18, 2024

Final box elder branch cut for now?

Earlier I mentioned that after sweeping debris off the patio roof I noticed another box elder tree branch to cut.  And I did so.  Then I noticed another branch.  Another branch looks to be dying from the end.   Years ago I had trimmed it back.  Last Fall on the machine lift I cut the branch back a bit more.  Now it appears to be dying further back.  It doesn't help the branch that the bottom of the branch has lost its bark.

So I decided to trim the branch back even more before I do some repair work on the patio roofing.  The branch is a thick branch.  Thankfully a relatively lower branch.

Yesterday I cut a short section of the branch.  It took an hour or two to make the cut.  Another very windy day.  The cut branch fell and the patio roof survived.   Today I cut the second - and hopefully last - section.  This time the patio roof suffered damage.   And it was yet another very windy afternoon.

The branch to be cut is in the middle of the photo.

After I already cut the first part of the branch.  Again the branch to be trimmed is the shorter branch in the middle of the photo.

The patio roof before and after.  The metal "bar" holding the sheet metal down in the wind is a former smaller gage railroad track.  Someone in the far past had cut the track into short lengths to use as fence posts.  I had replaced them when I had rebuilt that fence.

The roof support board was split in several places.  Here is one place.  I then had to spend time fixing and re-nailing the board.  I added more support for the board.   I also then found two other boards elsewhere that had been damaged / cracked from earlier branch falls this past week. They were not as damaged as this board.  I fixed them also.

The two large sections are from this branch.  The thinner branch was the earlier branch I cut a few days ago.   Tomorrow I plan to chainsaw them in shorter sections.

Now I think I got the last box elder tree branch cut - for now.  I need to stop looking at these two trees.

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