Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Stock trailer fix, tarp fix, etc.

I had surgery Friday morning.  It was planned and not due to an accident.  So I worked and worked Thursday to fix the stock trailer and the hay bales tarp as I wouldn't be able to do it for a while after surgery, especially since I would be in the hospital for a day, and who knew exactly how the surgery would go for me.

First I had to clean the manure out of the stock trailer.  Harder and longer to do when the manure is a day old and drying.   I checked the floor boards again.  I decided to replace two more boards in addition to the 5 or 6 I took out the previous day.  So about half the floor boards were replaced.  I had odd and ends of extra boards.  I had to trim or cut off some of the boards to make them fit.  It was getting dark when I cut the length and width of the last board to make it fit.  The metal bar that was bent down, I bent back up into place.  Some day later I will find another metal bar to add to replace the bad metal bar.

Earlier, after I had washed the trailer and was waiting for it to dry, I had added another tarp to cover my hay bales.  My previous - old - tarp had ripped in the wind even though I had tied down the tarp.

Saturday after I got home from the hospital I had to fix the tarp again, especially as lots of rain was forecast that evening and Sunday.  The second tarp I had added on Thursday was blown down from the previous tarp tear.  My previous tarp tie down could have used more twine to tie it in place.   Even though I am recovering and not supposed to do much, I knew this opening would bug me and I would eventually do something.  Donna also knew I would also do something and insisted she would be around when I would do something. So I got a ladder right away and climbed it and readjusted the tarp and added lots more twine to hold it in place.  It appears to have worked as the tarp has not moved / slid down again and the hay stayed dry in the rain.

For a brief time Sunday afternoon it rained really hard.  No hail, but one of my downspouts produced icy looking snow.  It was gone a day later.

I'm supposed to take it easy.  And I... have.  For the most part.  I guess.   I'm back to collecting apples that have fallen from the neighbors' trees.  I rode 29 bicycle miles today.  I herded my cattle into my southern neighbor's field this afternoon.  I shook some of the apples from her tree and tossed them over the fence for the cattle.  Good thing that I was wearing my bicycle helmet as at one point a cow stuck her head through the fence as I reached down to get an apple and we hit heads.  The bicycle helmet protected me as the surgery had been in my head.

I also started the fence rebuild I had planned back on September 25, 2019 before I got injured Sept 24.  Since then that fence rebuild was delayed or put off over and over as other things took priority over and over or I got side tracked.  Today I took the remainder of the old fence down and put in one post for the new fence before it got dark.  Hopefully I get the fence rebuilt this week and do not get side tracked or injured again.

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