Thursday, September 23, 2021

Bear scat?

The past few days among neighbors talk has been going around about bears walking up and down along the river.  A grizzly and her cub, and a back bear.   A person south of me living near the river has a game cam and has seen the grizzly and her cub, and a black bear in August and again in September.  Donna said a person who lives near the river and along the road north of me a few miles has also seen bears on their game cam.  And someone north of there seen a bear in person.  And more sightings a few miles north of me.  So... the bears appear to be walking up and down along the river.

Today when I carried some boards into the NE pasture from my recent fence rebuild work I saw this between my corral loafing shed and my hay shed.

Does this look like bear scat to you?

I have the NE pasture's gates closed, and the pasture is fenced.  How did this get here?  Oh yeah... I am rebuilding a fence section and there is an open spot there.

Tonight I moved the pails of apples for the cattle into the garage and off my house's entryway.

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