Monday, May 19, 2008

Yoga and belly dancing

Late the other night when flipping though TV channels before bed I came across a show on the FitTV channel showing a number of Namaste yoga moves. There were three women demonstrating several moves over and over. As they went through the moves the location shifted from indoors to a park to near the ocean to a forest. It was quite interesting to see the location changes. I must admit I noticed the locations more in a peripheral manner as the three women in their tight tops and shorts were quite appealing to watch. And these women were flexible! Wow. They were quite, um, ...interesting... to watch as they went through their 'cat' and 'dog' and 'reverse dog' and whatever moves. Hmmm... maybe I should take up yoga?

Why this came to mind now was my brother was just flipping through TV channels and came to the FitTV channel and the show had three belly dancers dancing. Apparently this a regular belly dance instructional program but when I saw the show it was near the end and the dancers were just dancing around the stage. Oh man!

Ever since I saw Barbara Eden in "I Dream of Jeanie" on TV when I was a kid I've had a weakness for belly dancers. I like the costume, look, jingle-jangle, and the movement of belly dancers. I still remember the Afghan restaurant in Minneapolis I visited in 1989 where they had an attractive belly dancer performing while people ate their meals. She was good and for one dance balanced a large sword on her head as she moved.

The Renaissance Festival held annually near Minneapolis, MN usually has belly dancers performing on one of the stages. One year a vendor was selling belly dancing outfits. I bought one for the woman I attended the festival with. She had taken a belly dance class or two years earlier and claimed not to remember any moves. No matter, she looked great, moved great, and I was in heaven watching her.

A woman who can carry off wearing a belly dancer outfit and can belly dance is a woman. And if a guy is not attracted and interested in watching that, then, well, he is not a guy with an appreciation for the fairer sex.

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