Friday, May 16, 2008

Soup and juneberry pie

After making a batch of pumpkin muffins on Wednesday, Thursday I got to some more baking. I made a large pot of vegetable soup - just in time for warmer weather. Carrots, celery, onion, beets, cabbage, split peas, lentils, a few handfuls of noodles, turkey soup meat all went into my soup. The onions and beet were the last from from my garden.

If I must say so myself, my soup came out tasting good.

Then I made a juneberry pie. I love juneberries! I found 4 cups of my juneberries in mom's freezer from when Rod and I picked a bunch back in July 1997, and that was the right amount for my recipe. The berries survived well all this time, though they are not the freshest.

The pie turned out very good, better than I expected, even with the older berries. No wonder I just love juneberries when I have fresh berries.

The problem I had was the berries were very juicy, and although I didn't fill the pie dish to the top, the juice bubbled over when cooking. The glass pie plate stuck to the pizza pan I had underneath. This wasn't my first rodeo when it comes to pies bubbling over.

In the evening after the pie cooled I pried the plate from the pan and lifted the plate up to see how much dried and hardened juice I had to clean from the plate. As I was putting the plate back down I dropped it and the pie flipped over and the contents fell out onto the kitchen counter. Oh no!

I scooped up the berries and crust and put them back into the pie dish. My pie doesn't look great anymore, but it still tastes great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant find my recipe for june berry soup. I know it was just berries, sugar and water.