Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Trivia night: Zip to Zap

Another middle of the pack performance this night with 12 and 13 answers correct out of 20 questions. The best we did was a tie for third place. Darrel, Mona, Marvin and I were there; Dave, Jeff, and Donna were not as they had other engagements. And Jeff's wife's name is Donna, not Carla. How is that I can remember movie stars' names but have trouble remembering real live people's names?

Ed started on time - or even earlier - as I arrived at 7 pm and he was on the third question already. While the bar clock is set fast, people still joked Ed must have a hot date later as he was zipping through the questions quickly this night. All the games were done before 8:30 pm. Ed claimed he was moving along faster because there were less people there this night. Huh? Yes, the crowd was smaller but that shouldn't make a difference Ed.

I handled the quarters bucket again and got a couple of free drinks for doing so. Darrel won a couple of the quarter questions and he chose a t-shirt and large water bottle as prizes. Both prizes fell under the "now what do I do with these?" categories.

After the contests were over I gave Ed a half dozen collections of trivia questions to use as contests and for quarters questions. I will be leaving for Montana in a little over a week and I wanted to give something back. Also I wanted to introduce more current questions than questions from the 1940s and 50s.

Ed stopped and socialized with our group for a while after the contests were over. Later Jeff and Donna came. We quizzed them on questions we had missed and they knew a few answers. But not enough to win. With Jeff's and Donna's help would would have gotten second place each time.

We traveled down memory lane and us older members of the group informed Darrel and Mona (the young pups) about the "Zip to Zap" concert festival. This concert was held in the tiny town of Zap, North Dakota May 9-11, 1969 - before Woodstock was held later the same year. Jeff was on his way to attend the concert when he learned from the news it was canceled. Canceled? It had gotten out of hand and the North Dakota National Guard was called out by the governor to put down a riot. This made the lead story on the CBS Evening news that night. This was the only time the Guard ever put a riot down in North Dakota. No wonder a few of us old timers kinda remember this festival, as most people have or want to forget it ever happened. Wikipedia has a good writeup of the "Zip to Zap" festival if you want to know more.

After trivia was over the bar cleared out of most people. Later a group of four women and one guy came and sat at another table. I wasn't facing them and they were kind of loud. Later they were louder still and laughing and carrying on and when I turned to look the table was a dozen or so women and the one guy. I don't know... there was something different about that guy. I was thinking he was either gay or was a male stripper. Or maybe both. One guy and all these rowdy women? The women were all ages so it either may have been a bachelorette party (that would explain the guy... but, on a Monday?) or one of the girls 21st birthday.

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