Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pain visit and branches

Mom had another visit to the Tri-life pain clinic this morning. The appointment this time was at 9 am instead of 8 am like last time. Mom still has plenty of pain, but the mornings usually are better and not as drawn out. So a 9 am appointment was doable without an extreme amount of effort.

The appointment went well. The doctor was very happy the Cymbalta med is working well for mom. Now the goal is to move mom off Percacet and onto Tramadol. Percacet is a narcotic, and in addition to being a hassle to fill at the pharmacy, it loses effectiveness the longer one uses it as the body becomes used to it.

Dr Paul Olson from the Tri-life Pain Clinic is very good and knowledgable and caring about pain medicines. His suggestions have helped mom. We really like him.

We were back home at 10 am. I trimmed some tree branches away from a few pine trees by the garage and a power line. The trees are tall and I had to use a pole saw and stand on ladders. I now have a pile of green ash branches and a pile of pine branches.

Last weekend's snow did wonders for the lawns. The grass is getting to be a nice rich green and the soil is soft.

The day is a mix. A few sprinkles of rain this morning, gloomy clouds, and now one can see shadows as it is not cloudy, but the sky isn't blue either. Not cold, not warm. A day better than Winter, but not as good as in Summer.

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