Sunday, September 16, 2007

Rocks and fence

Last day of predicted nice weather and I finally get around to ranch chores.

I picked up the rocks along the fence in the NE pasture. I had unearthed them when I dug along the fence to plant trees last year and the year before. These are not 'gravel' type of rocks, but a decent size. The trees have had a rough go of it, but the rocks remained. For the last year or more it was always "another time" to gather them up. I more than filled a wheelbarrow with the rocks I gathered. I put the rocks in the hayshed under the tires of my RV so it doesn't sink into the soft dirt when it sits there. In the hayshed the dirt never gets hardened by the sun.

The rock work done I turned to fixing the fence in my yard starting with the driveway fence. One fence post had rotted and the wind blew the fence at that spot so it leaned enough that I used a metal fence post to prop up the fence until I replaced the wooden post. For more than a month - too long!

I thought I had just one fence post to replace and ended up replacing three posts. And I have two more posts that are wobbly and will replace them tomorrow if it doesn't rain. I was concerned that since the paint was peeling off the posts, and some were showing signs of decay at the top, that I needed to paint the posts before they decayed. Didn't matter. The three bad posts had rotted in the ground over the decades with the above ground portion of the posts still in decent condition. Painting these posts wouldn't have saved them.

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