Monday, June 11, 2007


A cool, somewhat wet, day. The ground is still fairly wet so I didn't get my garden planted. It figures.

The cattle spent much of the day at the far end of the pasture so it was hard to see them. And the grass is tall enough that they are partially hidden when they sit down for their siesta. Eventually they swung by the corral to lick some salt and I was able to count them. 28.. 29.. 30. All there. Good. 24 hours have passed and none of them were stupid about the river.

I took down my cattle proofing in the garden area. It was temporary until I can rig a permanent solution before next year. Is it my imagination or did taking down the fence and posts, etc. take longer than putting them up? It felt like it.

The bees are sure active around my raspberries plants. It appears I will have tons of raspberries to eat this year. My strawberries plants are thick with strawberries. I munched on some with plans to get a bucket to pick the rest. The day ended before I had a chance to do so.

The birds like the shorter grass as they are actively searching for worms and bugs and whatever else they eat.

With the short grass I found one pair of my lost sunglasses. This was the pair last seen near the wheelbarrow of weeds. The cattle ate some of the weeds and I found the sunglasses near where I had dumped the weeds under one of the apple trees. The glasses were also partially covered by a cow pie. *sigh* A little soap and water took care of that. The second lost pair of sunglasses still have not turned up.

I also had to re-wrap and add Tanglefoot to the young fruit trees to keep the ants from climbing them and hurting the trees. One plum tree looks bad. Bob thinks it is aphids as he had one of his plum trees with the same leaf curl due to aphids. I need to spray the tree once the weather dries up.

I got the pruning shears out and trimmed branches from the box elder trees where the cattle had chewed on them. I did more pruning on the box elder trees next to the pole shed to encourage them to grow as a tree and not as a bush.

I checked my gopher and pocket gophers traps and by the time I was done the sun had set and the day was nearly over.

What will tomorrow bring?

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