Sunday, June 03, 2007


I've been busy since Friday and I'm not done yet. Nowhere near done.

Friday I hiked to the top of Mt Aeneas. 7.5 miles. The elevation at the top was over 7500 ft. Almost 90% of the hike was in deep snow. I had a fantastic time. I'll try to write more later and include photos.

Saturday I attended 2 auctions and roto-tilled Bob and Jan's garden.

  • I tried to roto-till the rest of my garden. It didn't go as planned. Problems, problems. I am still not done.
  • a heifer made a jailbreak out onto the road. Too much excitement.
  • I lost the second pair of sunglasses in a week. I am getting really ticked off at this happening. I don't know if I am getting Alzheimers or if the birds are carrying off my sunglasses or what is happening.
The yard is all eaten down. The cattle certainly trimmed the grass! But then I guess that is to be expected with 21 head of cattle in one's front yard. I also have cow manure all over and have to watch where I step. "What goes in must come out." Tomorrow I plan to let the cattle into the NE pasture. First I have to fence around some new trees to protect them.

The temperature the past few days have been in the mid 80s to 90 degrees today. Too hot! Especially since last Sunday I was using my wood stove to heat the house as the high temperature that day didn't reach 60 degrees.

Between the work and the heat I am tired. Friday and Saturday I conked out after a late lunch. No chance for an afternoon siesta today. Early to bed tonight!

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