Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cattle island

Today the cattle crossed the east river channel to the island. I can't say it is earlier than when the cattle crossed to the island last year as I never put the cattle into the south pasture until later last year.

I have had the cattle in the south pasture, what, three days, and they already crossed to the island. And if you remember back to the photos of when they first entered the south pasture, the grass was fairly tall. Still is. But you know cattle, "The grass is greener over there."

They spent the afternoon going round and round the island excited to discover a new place. At one point I heard one of the cattle slip off the bank and splash into the middle river channel. By the time I could move to where I could see where I had heard the splash, it apparently already climbed back onto the island. I could see where the grass was matted down on the river bank and I didn't see any cattle in the river. Seeing as how they were on the island I couldn't do a headcount as they were spread out in the trees, and I would have had to cross the river myself to get to the island.


The river level is dropping steadily, but at 333 CFS I didn't expect the cattle to cross so soon. This is a confident and curious herd of cattle. It may be a long summer.

Oh yeah, while not checking on the cattle I finished spraying the weeds in the NE pasture. I also caught 3 gophers. I had trapped a gopher out of the NW part of the hayfield but there is another one. The holes were reopened. I set two traps. While setting the second trap the gopher came bounding through the grass and down a hole near where I was setting the trap. Augh! I didn't have my shovel handy and couldn't stop him.

Today I found he is ignoring one hole with a trap and plugged the other hole with dirt. *sigh* Why does the smart gopher have to be in the hayfield?!

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