Saturday, May 14, 2016

Calf 13 lethargic

On Saturday calf 13 was always sleeping or resting when I checked on him.  He seems lethargic.   When I got the cattle into the corral in order to move another large bale to the feeder I had to carry calf 13 in.  He didn't get up when I touched him.  He also didn't struggle too much when I carried him.   Normally the other calves at this stage would get up and move when I tried to touch them.

Later I watched for an hour if he would drink but both he and his mom went to sleep. His mother does lay with him when she is not eating at the feeder.

He does move as I find him in different spots in and out of the corral throughout the day.

I'm going to try to spend more time tomorrow to see if he drinks from his mother. 

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