Friday, July 26, 2024

Walnut trees

Latest about my two walnut trees.

Here you can see my former older and larger walnut tree that the past two Winters have tried to knock out.  This tree is now growing back from the roots and the base of the tree trunk.  Growing so fast that when I irrigated near here the water knocked the new growth down.  Or now the wind will knock it down.  To help it tied the largest growth upright and to the tree trunk.  We'll see how this ends up.  I may have to trim some of the other new growth.  The cattle love eating Walnut tree leaves.

This is my younger and formerly smaller walnut tree.  It is doing great and now starting to grow fast.  The Winters haven't affected this tree.  So far...

And this year I found this tree is finally producing a few walnuts.  In the Fall I'll see how many walnuts the tree produced this year.  And what kind of walnuts.  The tree is suppose to be an English Walnut tree.  But I noticed the leaves look slightly different that my older Walnut tree.   You can kind-of see the difference in the leaf shapes in these photos.  The younger tree's leaf shape tends to be narrower.

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