Saturday, July 06, 2024

Adding water "emitters" to a soaker hose

Curtis has a small soaker hose he uses to water his evergreen trees on his property.  He has a water "emitter" next to each tree and he wanted to add several more water "emitters" to each tree.  And he wanted the "emitters" to be taller.  Since Curtis had helped me, I helped Curtis by doing this for him.

Some of the soaker hose was on the ground but over time some of the hose was now below ground.  I pulled the hose out of the ground.  I replaced the short water "emitter" was a taller one that Curtis had made.  I then poked holes in the hose and added two more tall "emitters" to each tree - out at the edge of the tree branches.

One can turn the head of the "emitter" to stop the flow, or to control how much water flows out of the "emitter".

This photo is of my trees next to Curtis's property.   Looking past the gate you can see a few of Curtis's evergreen trees in the background where I had placed the extra water "emitters".

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