Monday, July 08, 2024

Dead branches on female box elder tree

Last month I posted about cutting branches off the box elder trees over my patio. They are male box elder trees.  This Spring I had been watching the female box elder at the south of the house.  The female tree drops its seeds when the leaves come out in the Spring.   A number of seeds weren't dropping.

I kept an eye on the tree.  Most of the leaves are now out, but a number of branches did not leaf out and the seeds drop.  This past Winter and Spring has been hard on the trees.   I never had this happen to the female box elder tree before.

In early June.

Last week I got my pole saw out and trimmed a number of the dead tree branches with seeds still on them.  I also trimmed a few branches on one of the box elder trees over the patio.  The branches had leaves on it, but not much.  Due to my previous branch trimming the rest of the tree is sprouting lots of new leaves and new branches all over the other branches and the tree trunks.  So I trimmed a couple of sparely leafed branches.

Female branches on the left.  Male branches on the right.

Here is another view of my box elder trees near my house.

By the house on the left is the female tree.  On the right is a male tree.  Behind the female tree you can see the male trees next to the patio stick up.  The lower part of the male trees behind the female tree has more leaves.  From this side of the female tree the leaves are good.  It was the north side of the tree that was iffy on some branches.

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