Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bicycle flat tire

On my bicycle I was in town shopping this morning when I noticed my front bicycle tire was acting different.  I looked and found the tire had a sideways distortion in one spot and was thinner at that spot.  I rode back home but didn't make it.  I was almost 4 miles from home in the most direct route, a route I don't normally ride because it is along the highway with a smaller shoulder.

I called Donna, and she and her daughter Kari were a few blocks away as they were shopping for a new riding lawn mower for Donna.  Last weekend her former riding lawn mower "blew up" and quit working.  Smoke came out of the engine but fortunately no fire.

They picked me up. We stopped by Walmart so I could buy a new bicycle inner tube as the one I just ordered a few days ago won't arrive until the 29th.  Then we stopped at few more places for them to shop for a new lawn mower.  I mainly sat in the shade or stood around with the daughter's dog, Max.   Donna's dog was back at her house.

Donna bought a new lawn mower from Lowes and we loaded it in Kari's pickup.  The Lowes employee and I had to push the lawn mower the last little bit to get it over the tailgate edge while Kari drove it up the loading ramp and into the pickup bed.

I helped Kari and Donna unload the lawn mower at Donna's place, then it was off to home were I fixed my bicycle tire, ate a full breakfast, and then went to sleep after 3 pm when it was 95 degrees outside.   Rascal was happy I was back home so he could lay next to me as I (we) slept.  Another day, not much done by me other than moving my irrigations pipes.

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