Sunday, June 02, 2024

Fence fix

I forgot to mention in my previous blog post that when I let the cattle into the yard I also did a little fence work.   Last Fall when I did the rail fence work, I didn't finish it all.  I had a short section that went from the rail fence to the driveway's entrance post.

I didn't have any short rail sections to use.  I had some plans on making something to use, but recently Donna had her property fenced for her daughter's horses.  She had a fence section that was split rails.  That was old and replaced.  Most she gave to a friend to use as firewood.   A half dozen or so rails were still decent and I got those.  And she also had two short sections of split rails.  I got the rails from Donna on Friday.  

After I let the cattle into the yard so they could eat grass - and stop mooing at me - I immediately went and cut up the short split rails and nailed them to this fence section.  Now the rail fence is done and I don't have to worry about the cattle slipping out of the yard.

The yard grass is getting eaten down. Tomorrow it should be down and I will let the cattle into the NE pasture.

Today I saw a rail was partially off the corral fence by the water trough.  I think Hayne or one of the cows didn't want to walk around and into the corral to drink from the water trough.  They put their head through the fence to reach the water trough and pushed the rail partially off the fence.  I re-nailed the rail

Here are some photos of Haynes scratching his back on the large walnut tree.   This walnut tree isn't leafing out.  Last year it didn't leaf out until the beginning of July.  I hope it does again this year.  A few days ago I was talking with my neighbor Jan.  A number of her specialty trees aren't leafing out this year.  She said a friend told her the cherry trees near Flathead Lake were affected and they are predicting a smaller cherry harvest this year.   This past Winter was not as cold as the previous Winter, but we did have a day or two where the overnight low temperatures was minus 32 degrees.

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