Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Yard cleanup and cattle

Slept 10 hours to catch up on the lack of sleep during the election day.  Even so, I still fell asleep for a while in the afternoon while sitting on my couch with Rascal.  Otherwise I spent the rest of the day removing the cattle protection stuff from the yard.

Part of the rail was broken earlier from a fallen tree branch when I was cutting branches off the box elders tree.  The reason I took this photo now was the cattle got past the protective fencing to eat some of the lilac leaves.  The leaves near the bottom rails survived, the other - mid-level - leaves didn't. 

I spent time with the caragana trees.   The first photo was before the cattle were let into the yard.

This was after the cattle were let into the yard.  As you can see the cattle ate up the lower half of the trees.   It took some effort to straighten and roll up the fencing the cattle took down.  They had twisted the fencing around and around as they pulled it away from the trees.

Also when cleaning up around the caragana trees I found the ear tag from calf 8, the first-born calf from this year.  She somehow pulled the ear tag out of her ear.

Cow 60 was in heat this afternoon.  Cow 60 is the black cow behind Haynes.  After a while Beulah got interested in cow 60 and eventually Haynes had to push Beulah away.

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